Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pregnancy update

I was sick all night monday night (well all throughout the night) throwing up and everything...i felt really dehydrated and felt like i needed to go to the hospital for some fluids...well when i got there i was having some contractions but they weren't regular and we thought once i got some fluids in me they would stop...well that didn't work! the contractions got more and more intense and closer they decided to give me a shot to try and stop the contractions and it worked, it slowed them down and they became irregular again...i went to my regular appt. this morning and i am measuring 39 weeks now, i have an ultrasound scheduled for next week but i am not sure i will make it that long...i am having contractions today but they aren't really regular yet...the hospital has Wi-Fi so incase i do go into labor i will let everyone know..for now i need to rest as much as possible.

1 comment:

Fran said...

We're praying for you and your little babe. Rest and snuggle lots with Riley (if he'll let you :)). I'll be watching for updates.